Constantine the Great

Constantine and Chi-Rho
Constantine was made Emperor of the Western and Eastern Roman Empire after he won the…
House of Eustolios

The House of Eustolios – A Christian Home in Kourion
“This House in place of its ancient armament of strong walls, solid iron, gleaming bronze…
Early Places of Worship

Early Places of Worship in Cyprus
Christians in Cyprus were no different from other young Christian communities of the early church. In the first three centuries after Christ, Christians met in secret in church houses, underground churches, and catacombs throughout the Roman Empire; the ancient catacombs of Rome are the most famous of these early meeting places. It is said that “Christians were persecuted above ground and prayed below ground.” Groups of…

Catacombs, Cave Churches, and House Churches
Cave churches and catacombs are found all around Cyprus, and perhaps there is also evidence…

Ancient Monasteries of Cyprus
Icon of St Anthony the Great The monastic movement was begun in Egypt by St.…

First Basilicas in Cyprus
Ayios Philon Church (10th Century) The first great basilicas of Cyprus were begun after Theodosius I…